The Aquabats RADventures: HORSEBEARD MAN!
THE AQUABATS! SUPER SHOW! Complete Collection!
Somewhere at a neighborhood yard sale... The Aquabats! meet a lonely wanderer (Shay Carl Butler), who offers them a simpler life - without technology! Will this lone mountain man guide The Aquabats to a higher plane, free of the weight of electronics and carrot sticks? Will they abandon their luxurious BattleTram vanlife for the desert?
Up Next in THE AQUABATS! SUPER SHOW! Complete Collection!
BEHIND THE SCENES: Horsebeard Man!
Join The Aquabats! on the set of their first new radventure! See what happens as our favorite superheroes are joined by Shay Carl Butler to create an episode featuring the mysterious Horsebeard Man! Also, learn about some of the unsung behind-the-scenes heroes who make your favorite Super Show po...
The Aquabats RADvenures: MARTIAN GIRL!
It's just another day at Fake Lake for The Aquabats! and some daring kids (Ohana Boys) with a sweet bike jump. The Aquabats! attempt to have a relaxing fishing trip, but they encounter a hungry interstellar traveler... an alien... a space being... a Martian Girl (JK Studios' Mallory Everton)!
The MC Bat Commander and Jimmy the Robot talk making Martian Girl! and Mega 64's history of making funny commercials for The Aquabats! Super Show! Learn how Rocco and the guys got into the Gloopy business!